Hardware City Session #3

Event photo

Hardware City Session #3: Unveiling Innovations and Overcoming Challenges We’re delighted to announce the triumphant return of Hardware City Session #3, hosted in partnership with the Câmara Municipal de Aveiro at the esteemed “Centro Cultural e de Congressos de Aveiro.” This session marked a milestone in our journey, boasting enhanced facilities and a robust lineup of innovators poised to inspire and educate. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as hardware enthusiasts gathered at the historic Ceramic Factory “Jeronymo Pereira Campos (1916),” now transformed into the state-of-the-art Centro Cultural e de Congressos de Aveiro. Here, amidst cutting-edge equipment and new resources, we embarked on an enlightening discourse on hardware product development and strategies to surmount obstacles. Meet Our Visionaries:


Hugo Silva

Chief Innovation Officer @ PLUX - Wireless Biosignals

André Sousa

Co-CEO & CFO @ ISSHO Technology

João Costa

Brand Manager @ SAR - Soluções de Automação e Robótica